The Important, and often Untold, Precursors to the Christmas Story
Oftentimes, we view Matthew 1 & 2 and Luke 1 & 2 as holding the entirety of the Christmas story, but there were significant moments and promises made by God beforehand that enrich this story even more than we already understand. Join us as we dive into Jeremiah 29-33, where we will see God’s light come onto the scene in the midst of utter darkness.
What’s going on in Springfield, Ohio?
Springfield, Ohio, has made headlines due to a false claim by President Trump about Haitian immigrants, which sparked controversy. The real issue, however, is the town’s struggle to accommodate 20,000 refugees placed there by the federal government without support. Both political sides have responded poorly, missing the real crisis. Christians should rise above politics, offering help, prayer, and unity to both the town and the refugees, focusing on truth and understanding to address the community’s needs.
Faith in Action: Why Voting Matters for Christians
In “Faith in Action: Why Voting Matters for Christians” we dive into why its necessary that Christians partake in the in the voting process. Christians are to be the clarion voice in society and without the voice of godliness we cannot expect to see godliness in our politics. We are to occupy until Jesus comes back and in our context that means standing for truth and righteousness through our vote and not faltering in silence when evil is present.
Buying into a Biblical Worldview
In “Buying into a Biblical Worldview” we dive into why its important that Christians not just understand what a biblical worldview is, but are compelled to engage in it. This worldview should permeate through all areas of your life and shine the light of Jesus throughout this dark world. This worldview should compel christians to engage in politics and stand up for what is righteous and true.
A Biblical Worldview: The Basics
A worldview guides and influences the way we as people perceive situations and circumstances around us. But, as we also know, not all worldviews are good and should have influence in our lives. For example, worldviews like hedonism, secularism, and post-modernism seek only to self-fulfill pleasures and desires at the expense of everything else. This type of outlook on life will lead you down roads with dead ends and never into any true fulfillment. Luckily there is a worldview that completely counteracts the effects of these worldviews, it’s called a Biblical worldview. A Biblical Worldview…