United States Supreme Court Rules 5–4 against the Biden-Harris Administration title IX Changes.

United States Supreme Court

Real News:

On Friday, August 16 the Supreme Court ruled 5–4 to deny a request from the Biden Administration to enforce parts of a new federal title IX rule, a ruling that would’ve allowed biological men into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and dorms across the nation. The Supreme Courts denial will allow cases against the ruling to play out in lower courts across the country.

The ruling essentially “kicked” the issue back down to the states to decide, where certain restrictions and protections are already in place on a state and local level. The dissenting judges consisted of justice Sotomayor, justice Kagan, justice Jackson, and justice Gorsuch. Justice Barrett, justice Thomas, justice Roberts, justice Kavanaugh, and justice Alito all voted in favor of the ruling.

Biblical Perspective:

God formed each and everyone of us in his image (genesis 1:27) and every person was known by god before they were ever formed in their mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5) and it is not our job to wish away what god has called beautiful.

We are to pray for the people who have been deceived by harmful ideologies (Colossians 2:8), so that they would come into the fullness of who god has created them to be (Ephesians 3:14–19) and so they experience the true love that our heavenly father is offering (romans 5:8).

Timeless Take:

It’s all about 1) sharing the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15–29) and 2) protecting the vulnerable (psalm 82:3). As Christians we must not affirm the sins that the culture calls holy (Galatians 6:1), but speak the only truth that sets the captives free (john 8:31–32). We know there is a freedom that surpasses all understanding and the only thing that keeps you and i from that freedom is our sin (Galatians 5:1 & 2 Corinthians 3:17).

As mentioned, it’s our duty as Christians to protect the vulnerable in society (psalm 82:3) and this means standing up to the forces of darkness that are constantly at work in our culture (Ephesians 6:12). It is in no way okay for biological men to be allowed into what were once safe spaces for women.

We must pray that those whose hearts are hardened to the gospel of Jesus Christ turn from their sin and embrace the call that he has for them (Matthew 13:15). We must pray that strong men and women rise up to fight back against the forces of evil that are constantly infringing against the lives of the vulnerable. We must pray that a wind of revival would sweep across our nation and turn our country back to the biblical principles we were founded on.








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