Gus Walz’s Heartfelt Display of Emotion during his Father’s DNC Speech Stirs Up the Ugly Hearts of Online Bullies

The Walz Family at the 2024 DNC Convention, after Tim Walz's VP acceptance speech

Real News:

On day 3 of the Democratic National Convention Tim Walz, Democratic VP nominee and Minnesota Governor, gave his vice-presidential acceptance speech. During the speech his son, Gus Walz, stood up with tears rolling down his face and pointed to his father shouting “I love you dad... That’s my dad!”

 Soon after this heartfelt display of a son loving his father was had, the online bullies stirred up. They spewed hateful comments and mocked Gus Walz pointing to the fact that they thought he was being “weird.” But many failed to understand that Gus Walz is diagnosed with a nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD), ADHD, and an anxiety disorder.

Biblical Perspective:

We are to love our neighbor, not mock and bully them because they act a certain way (Leviticus 19:18). Despising the harmful ideologies of some politicians should not cause us to slander their families (Ephesians 4:29).

 Our speech is to be seasoned with wisdom, so that we can uplift those around us and urge the culture to do the same (Colossians 4:6 & Proverbs 12:18). We should continually call the culture higher and not stoop down to please the sinful ways of those around us (Romans 12:2 & 1 John 2:15-17).

Timeless Take:

There is no place for bullying. No matter what you feel about a particular person or party, we are never called to bully or spew hate and if we do we are doing the work of the enemy. Whether you agree or not this was a son showing love for his father and that is not to be shunned especially in our culture where there is an epidemic of fatherlessness.

We must pray that those who spewed hateful comments repent and ask for forgiveness from God and the Walz family (Luke 13:3).  We must pray that we wouldn’t allow ourselves to become so absorbed in politics that we dehumanize those that are in it. We must pray that those who have hardened their hearts because of their vitriol to others would encounter the lord in a magnificent way. We must all repent, because through true repentance our land will be healed (2 Chronicles 7:14).



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